Welcome to North Star Township!
Printable Version of North Star Township Basics
Here is some basic information for newcomers to North Star Township. Additional information can be found on our website www.northstarmn.net or by contacting our Town Board or Staff whose contacts are listed on this website. Sign up for North Star E-News at our website.
History: North Star Township was established by a group of citizens in 1985 who wanted more responsive emergency and fire service. The volunteer Fire/EMS Department is still the core service provided by township government. The resident population of North Star Township is approximately 200 people with 85 homes, and there are also many seasonal cabins. A portion of North Star Township is located within the Cloquet Valley State Forest and much of the township land is public and managed by either St Louis County or the Minnesota DNR.
The North Star Town Hall and Fire Department are located at 7700 Pequaywan Lake Road (Hwy 44). The Town Hall has a meeting space that can be scheduled, free book exchange, availability of tables and chairs to borrow, and is the site of our recycling center. Part-time staffing does not permit the Town Hall to be open for business. Contact the Town Clerk: Mary Hellman, clerkmaryh@gmail.com or 218-260-0543
Fire/EMS Department: This is an all-volunteer service. If you are interested in serving your community, the Department can provide training and equipment for firefighting and emergency response. Contact the Fire Chief or Deputy Fire Chief if you are interested in volunteering at northstarmn.net/contact/
County Services – St Louis County provides many services, such as law enforcement, land use and regulation and permits, property valuation, election support, road maintenance, contract snow plowing, and other services. See stlouiscountymn.gov for all county services.
Contact the St Louis County Planning and Development Department for: Landuse, building, and shoreline regulations and permits as well as short-term rental property permits. Call 218-725-5000
Animal Control – Pet owners are responsible for their pets’ health, welfare and control on and off their property. Aggression by pets toward other animals and people is not tolerated and subject to complaint. Township Ordinance requires humane care, control and training, and complies with policies of Chapter 16 67-158 of St. Louis County and the Statute 347.50 State of MN.
Book exchange – Free books are available in the Town Hall, Saturdays 9am – Noon, during recycling hours
Brush pile – the Township Fire Department maintains a location for woody brush for use only by North Star property owners, located on the west side of Pequaywan Lake Road about one mile south of the Town Hall. Contact the Fire Department for the key. No trash or non-woody material allowed.
Burning Permits (for any burning except small enclosed recreational fire pits) – see MN DNR website
dnr.state.mn.us/forestry/fire/questions.html to obtain a daily or annual burning permit. Local Fire Wardens also issue burn permits: Dick Dillon 218-525-5333, Linda Britton, Lenny Britton 218-343-6594
Cell phone service – primarily ATT (at this time)
Contacts for Town Board and Staff – See northstarmn.net/contacts/
Electric utility – Cooperative Light and Power in Two Harbors, MN, see www.clpower.com. To report a power outage, call 218-834-2225
Garbage hauling – Hartels Disposal call 218 729 5446 or hartels.com
Internet options – currently all wireless: ATT Hotspot, Viasat, Hughesnet, Starlink. We are seeking support from other types of providers
Property valuation review – typically held each Spring by the Town Board, supported by the St Louis County Assessor
Recycling: Saturday, 9am – Noon at the Town Hall – Paper, metal and aluminum cans, glass, film plastic, and some types of plastic. Grants from the Western Lake Superior Sanitary District support recyling…see wlssd.com for information on all kinds of recycling and repurposing. Large items for disposal or recycling can be taking to the Materials Center on Rice Lake Road (4587 Ridgeview Road, Duluth and see wlssd.com). Bill Taft staffs the Township Recycling Center and will help you with questions about materials that can be recycled.
Road Maintenance – East and West Briar Lake Roads are maintained by North Star Township. St Louis County maintains Pequaywan Lake Rd (Hwy 44), Barrs Lake Rd, Fox Farm Rd and Alarm Rd. Other roads are locally maintained, typically with contracted plowing, grading, brushing, and other improvements. Contact Town Supervisors with concerns about East and West Briar Lake Roads.
Town Hall use for meetings or borrowing tables/chairs – contact the Town Clerk clerkmaryh@gmail.com or call 218-260-0543
Voting: Voting for local, state, and federal elections is typically held at the North Star Township Hall. For absentee ballots, contact our Town Clerk clerkmaryh@gmail.com or 218-260-0543