May 2024 Board Minutes

2024 May Board Meeting Minutes

TOWN OF NORTH STAR        05/21/2024


ATTENDANCE: Gary Mantay. Jan Keough, Rod Saline, Sue Forgragd, Donna Elsbury,Ray Barnes, Dick Dillon, Mary Hellman

April 2024 MINUTES:  Board reviewed the minutes.  Rod Saline moved to approve, Jan seconded, All voted Aye

FINANCIAL REPORT – Donna reported check 9091 through 9014 and transfer $7119.07 to checking.  EFT to Pera  $108.00.

 2024 Payroll Claims:  Motion to approve payroll payments and other payments, seconded, all voted “Aye”.


CLERK COMMENTS / CORRESPONDANCE: TBD: Ellen Hanson was the only applicant for the open Clerk position.  Rod Saline made a motion to hire Ellen, Jan seconded.  There was discussion regarding monthly payment for the Clerk.  Motion amended to hire Ellen Hanson as Town Clerk and pay the Clerk $350/month (first 5 hours), $27/hour for addition hours / month.

Deputy Clerk and Deputy Treasurer would receive half, $175/month.  Motion vote Aye by all. 

Jan made a motion to also pay the Treasurer $350/month – $27/hour the same as the Clerk.  Rod seconded the motion. Deputy Clerk and Deputy Treasurer would receive half, $175/month.  Motion vote Aye by all.  See attached amended pay rates. Motion and second amended.  All voted “Aye”.

RECYCLING: Jan reported that all going well.  We should receive the grant in June.

WEBPAGE/COMMUNIATIONS REPORT: Jan: Following the Board of Equalization, Jan sent an e-news reminding everyone to check their county property information, and also reminded people about the pancake breakfast.

FIRE – Rory/Mike/Gary: one medical call last month. 26th pancake breakfast 8-noon.  Turnout gear was received using ARPA fund, 2-3 more units needed.  State has $30M available for fire departments, but low populations are not very competitive.  Rory mentioned that the Department is seeking help with grant writing.  Jan will include that in the next e-news.  Radios are very expensive.  One was stolen from a private vehicle – Donna and Rory will investigate insurance coverage.

MAINTENANCE: Rod: Generator is fixed.  Lawn needs to be mowed once a week during peak summer, and in fall, every other week.  Ken can use a standard time card.  There is a ceiling in the furnace room and one of the bathrooms.  Rod will contact Tom Kuettel to look at repair.  One suggestion was to install heat tape to prevent ice dams.  Rod will look into that with Tom Kuettel.

ROADS: Gary: The grader is down but will be fixed for grading.

OLD BUSINESS:  Short term rentals….the Board had voted to let the county handle this.  Jan noted that the county is revising the ordinance for the Planning Commission and the hearing will be in the fall.

NEW BUSINESS:  Donna has the paperwork for the clerk and it will be a 2-year contract.

REVIEW OF DUTIES: Donna – tax credits. 

UPCOMING EVENTS: Pancake breakfast.  26th, 8-noon.  Next meeting will be June18, 2024.

ADJOURNMENT:  8:30  Jan moved to adjourn, Rod seconded, all in favor.

Attachment: Amended pay rates for 2024-2025.

Supervisor                   Town Meeting + 5 hours        $180.00

Treasurer                     Town Meeting + 5 hours        $350.00

Clerk                           Town Meeting + 5 hours        $350.00

Deputy Clerk              Town Meeting + 5 hours        $175.00

Deputy Treasurer        Town Meeting + 5 hours        $175.00

Communication                                                          $27.60/h

Outside Meetings/Training                                         $120.00

Election Judges                                                           $18.00/h

Recycle Operator                                                        $18.00/h

Custodian                                                                    $18.00/h

Yard Maintenance                                                      $18.00/h

Weed Inspector annual inspection report                   $600.00

Mileage                                                                       $0.67/mi