June 18 2024 Board Meeting Minutes


June 18, 2024 Board Meeting


ATTENDANCE: Gary Mantay, Jan Keough, Rod Saline, Donna Elsbury, Ray Barnes, Sue Forbragd, Dick Dillon, Mary Hellman

June 2024 MINUTES: Board Reviewed the minutes, Rod Saline moved to approve and Jan seconded, All voted Aye

TREASURER REPORT– Donna reported check #s 9105-9117 and transfer of $478.32 to checking. EFT to PERA $36.00

2024 Payroll Claims: Motion to approve payroll payments and other payments, seconded, all voted AYE

Motion was made to add the new clerk, Ellen Hanson, and Supervisor, Rodney Saline as signers to the township checking account and to remove Jenae Pitoscia and Richard Dillon as signers. Motion was seconded and all voted AYE.

Motion made, seconded and approved to purchase printer checks for use instead of handwritten checks. The printer checks are specially designed for use with the CTAS accounting program. Approximate cost is $328.00 for 500 checks.

Treasurer, Donna Elsbury, reported that she has recently been made  aware by staff at PERA that the Coordinated Plan at PERA is for appointed employees of government agencies (including treasurer and clerk) and is required participation unless the individual opts out under a qualifying exclusion code.

Donna has been mistakenly opting out under a code she did not qualify for. And, in spite of filing an exclusion report every year, listing the employees, the job title and the exclusion code, the folks at PERA apparently did not notice that she should have been enrolled in the Coordinated Plan.

 Now that it has been brought to their attention, PERA is requiring that the township submit a Record of Earnings report dating back to her hire date of September 20, 2021. After a PERA review of the earnings report, it is her understanding that PERA will require she enroll in the coordinated plan and that the township will be required to submit past employer contributions at a rate of 7.5% as well as past employee contributions (6.5%) up to the last 60 days. Those employee contributions of the last 60 days will be the responsibility of the individual. An estimate of the township portion of the past contributions due to PERA is approximately $2500.

CLERK REPORT/Correspondance: Hired Ellen Hanson for the open Clerk Position.

Recycling: Jan reported that all going well. The grant was recieved in the amount of $5,067.31

Webpage/Communications Report: $561 Million in grants in the state of MN for broadband. Rod and Jan are going to attend a Zoom meeting in relations to it

Fire: Rory/Mike/Gary: One medical call. Regular fire trainings

Maintenance: The garage door was broken and repaired for the amount of $173. Kent came and repaired the broken furnace. Rod Saline made time sheets and placed them in the recycling shed for Ken to use when he mows. We have no contract with him, he is employed.

Roads: Gary- The roads are wet

Old Business: Bruce Olson is a prospect for writing grants. Briar Lake is having issues with garbage being disposed off at the end of the road near the sign. The July North Star E-News will include a notice regarding prevention of people dropping off recycle items and trash at the township notice boards, especially the notice board at the corner of 44 and Barrs Lake Road.

New Business: Robert Anderson, Anne Bailey, Ray Barnes ( Head Election Judge), Sue Forbragd, Fay Kuettel, Ellen Hansen (Clerk), William Taft, Mary Hellman are the election judge pool.

Review Of Duties: Donna call Mat about insurance. Ray to train the election judges.

Upcoming Events: Rod Saline noted that Lakewood Township is looking at offering CPR classes, possibly open to other townships.

Adjournment: 7:26pm Jan motioned to adjourn, Rod seconded it, all voted AYE.