2021 March 15 / Reorg Meeting

Town of North Star

Reorganizational Meeting

March 15, 2021

Chairperson Janet Keough called the reorganizational meeting to order at 7:09 pm on March 15, 2021 via conference call.  Board members present were supervisors Dick Dillon, Janet Keough, and Gary Mantay, treasurer Ray Barnes,  clerk Carrie Landman and Deb Pomroy.

The following board positions will be chair Gary, vice chair Dick , maintenance Dick, Jan recycling, road Gary, deputy clerk Sue Forbragd, and deputy treasurer Towanna Rovenko. A motion by Dick second by Gary, Gary aye, Dick aye, Jan aye to approve the board positions.  Motion carried.  Carrie Landman will continue as the clerk.  Vote: Dick aye, Gary aye, Jan aye.  Motion carried.

Dick motion to continue the pay as last year, Jan second the motion, to approve the following board pay for the coming year: supervisors $150.00, clerk $225.00, Treasurer $225.00, outside meetings $100.00 extra work over the normal five-hour work per month pays $20 per hour, communications $23 per hour, deputy clerk and treasurer half of clerk and treasurer pay, and mileage $.56. 

Election judge pay:  $12.50 per hour, recycling pay: $15 per hour, custodian pay: $15 per hour, and the weed inspector $15 per hour not to exceed $150 for the year.  Mileage to be paid at $0.56 per mile. Dick aye, Gary aye, Jan aye.   Motion carried. 

Motion by Jan, second by Dick to continue board meetings on the third Monday of the month except January and February it will be the third Tuesday with all meetings beginning at 6:30 pm.  Vote:  Dick aye, Gary aye, Jan aye.  Motion carried.

The township posting places will be at the town hall, Alden Lake Road, Briar and Barrs Lake, and Northwoods Lane and Superior Choice will continue to be the township bank. Jan motion, Dick second.  Jan aye, Gary aye, Dick aye.  Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Carrie Landman

Town Clerk

2021 March Town Board Meeting and Reorg. Meeting Minutes

TOWN OF NORTH STAR                New Phone Number  425-436-6362   Access Code:  3839349#

March 15, 2021

CALL TO ORDER –  Supervisor Jan Keough called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm – those in attendance are Supervisors Janet Keough, Gary Mantay and Dick Dillon, Treasurer Ray Barnes,  Clerk Carrie Landman and Deb Pomroy. 

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – those in attendance recited the pledge of allegiance

MINUTES APPROVAL – Gary makes a motion to approve with minor corrections, Dick second, Gary aye, Dick aye, Jan aye to approve the February minutes with the minor edits.

REVIEW AND APPROVE PAYROLL AND CLAIMS – Dick motion, Gary second, Gary aye, Dick aye, Jan aye to approve the financial reports.

March 2021 Accounts Summary

TRANSFER – Request approval to transfer $3980.33 from savings to checking for checks 8190 – 8201, 030121 and 030221.  Motion to approve Gary, Dick second, vote Gary aye, Dick aye, Jan aye.


  1. Ray said the Office of the State Auditor – additional 2020 Year End Financial Report/was redundant with information submitted by Linda Britton on 2/1/2021.
  2. Notary – exficio not public – $120 filing fee for either exficio or public notary.   Is this something you want the Clerk to have?  Jan thinks it would be nice, Gary thinks it’s not necessary for the residents unless we charge for it as they have options at their individual banks.  Dick would like to table until an open monthly meeting for further discussion. 
  3. Lien release requested and received for 2007 Freightliner fire truck.   Lien holder Kansas City removed from MATIT Commercial Insurance.  Paperwork including lien release stored in fireproof safe.
  4. SLC deposit – foreclosure land apportionment – $1,252.29 – March
  5. Clerk Q1 reports due in April
    • 941 2021 Q1 federal tax
    • 2021 Q1 MN Unemployment filing


Carrie requests clarification on what types of correspondence to include in monthly meeting agenda.  Confirmation from Board to only include correspondence that requires a Board response.  Informational correspondence forwarded by email prior to the meeting does not need to be included.

  1. St Louis County Board of Adjustment meeting – March 11, 2021 at 10 for Peggy Kuettel variance
  2. Dept of Revenue 2020 Production Tax Payments & Distribution – North Star not included FYI only
  3. Inquiry from Casey Sunshine Duluth Township/former deputy clerk Normanna.  Digitize files.  Hourly – open to salary.  Comments from the Board, Dick and Gary have no interest at this time and Jan recommends keeping her name in the file in case we have a future need. 
  4. MATIT Legislative Policies Resolutions & Advocacy Guide – at the Hall in the Supervisor folder
  5. Volunteer Firefighters Benefit Association of Minnesota – Annual Meeting Notice – conference is canceled but the Benefit is from 10 – 11 Saturday April 24, 2021.  Financial statement and minutes – in the Supervisor folder
  6. MATIT  Spring Short Course Information and Registration email – FYI
    1. Jan inquired whether Clerk would take them
  7. Jackie Dolentzj Duluth Public Schools questions regarding School Board elections: primary 8/10 and General 11/2
    • Is it okay if Duluth handles the absentee ballot process again this year?  Board confirmed yes.
    • Will North Star hand count ballots?  Board confirmed yes.

FIRE DEPARTMENT – Gary reported that the fire department resumed having meetings last week, another one is scheduled for March 17th and then every other week.  No calls since last month.

MAINTENANCE – Dick reported an issue with the furnace in the Hall and Gary found someone to temporarily fix it but it will be fixed completelyand an invoice will be sent upon completion.

RECYCLING  – Jan reported all is going well.

ROAD – Gary reported the roads have turned from white and slippery brown, muddy and slippery

WEBPAGE REPORT   Website is up to date on monthly minutes and Carrie has been replaced as clerk on the Staff page in response to resident Linda Britton raised during the beginning of the Annual Meeting on March 9th.

COMMUNICATION REPORT  – Carrie to select and start working on an email service provider and enewsletter to residents.  Print copies?  Jan said it would be great to send an enewsletter mid-April with election results, annual meeting continuation, broadband.  Jan suggests posting print copies at the Hall, Briar and Alden lake rather than mailing, Gary no comment at this time, Dick agrees.  Carrie suggests a waterproof receptacle at the Hall for people to take.  Dick suggests posting a notice at the Hall with information that they can take one from the Hall.  Jan suggests only a few and B&W only.  10 copies. 

UNFINISHED BUSINESS – Review financial report for Annual Meeting in June  Jan asked Carrie to prepare this report for the 2021 Annual Meeting and would like to review while it’s fresh in everyone’s mind.  Jan felt we should provide more detail to the citizens rather than General, Fire and Road Bridge gross funds.  Dick and Gary agree the report is fine.  Jan would also like to list the 2020 receipts for transparency and include some of the one-time only receipts so the residents can see where the money comes from. 

Ray confirmed that Rory sent a thank you to CLP for the fire turnout gear grant.  CLP meeting was the week of March 8th and they acknowledged the thank you.  Rory will send pictures of the volunteers in the new gear and send to CLP.  Jan asked when we could apply for additional funds and Ray confirmed it’s annual and we can apply again in September 2021.


  1. Reorganization meeting – see additional March 2021 Reorganizational Meeting final
  2. Sue Forbragd would like the Township to purchase a vacuum so she doesn’t have to bring her personal vacuum.  Dick makes a motion for Sue purchase what she needs under $200, Gary second provided she can make the purchase otherwise a Supervisor will purchase.  Vote Dick aye, Gary aye, Jan aye.  Motion carries.
  3. When to resume monthly meetings at the Hall. Dick makes a motion resume monthly meetings at the Hall for the May meeting with some restrictions, Board at the table with social distancing and anyone else that attends in chairs as far out and into the fire hall.  People required to wear masks.  Dick also requires a posting at the door and if feeling sick don’t come in.  Could take temperatures as the Fire Department has the device.  Gary second the motion.  Discussion – Ray has no problem in May, Carrie commented that if proper social distancing rules and masks are required, she would attend the an in-person meeting as it’s part of her job as it would be in a public/private sector position.   Current state guidelines to be followed.  Jan suggests voting and creating a posting to review in April. Dick aye, Gary aye, Jan aye
  4. Carrie to research and contact vendor for the ballot counter to check the machine and provide training.

REVIEW OF DUTIES –  Carrie:  create a Q1 Township enewsletter, create a posting regarding resuming meetings at the Hall with May, create 2020 payments report for the Annual Meeting in June.


NEXT MEETING      April 19, 2021 at 6:30 pm

ADJOURNMENT   Jan makes a motion to adjourn at 7:32 pm, second Gary.  Dick aye, Gary aye, Jan aye.

Respectively submitted,

Carrie Landman

Town Clerk

2021 February Town Board Meeting Minutes

TOWN OF NORTH STAR                New Phone Number  425-436-6362   Access Code:  3839349#

February 16, 2021

CALL TO ORDER –  Janet called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. Attending the meeting were Supervisors Janet Keough, Dick Dillon, Gary Mantay, Treasurers Ray Barnes, Towanna Rovenko, Clerk Carrie Landman, Deb Pomroy and resident Linda Britton


MINUTES APPROVAL – January 2021 Meeting Minutes, Dick makes a motion to approve amended minutes, Gary seconds the motion.  Take a vote:  Dick aye, Gary aye, Jan aye.  Dick makes a motion to approve the January 2021 Audit Meeting Minutes, Gary seconds the motion.  Take a vote:  Dick aye, Gary aye, Jan aye to approve the amended Audit meeting minutes.  Gary makes a motion to approve February 2021 Budget minutes, Dick seconds the motion.  Take a vote:   Dick aye, Gary aye, Jan aye.

TRANSFER – Request approval to transfer $8,508.92 from savings to checking for checks 8172 – 8189, 010521, 010621, 020121, 020221.  This includes two January claims in the amount of $92.78 that were done after the January 2021 meeting.  Additional PERA payment and SCCU check order.  Dick makes the motion to approve the treasurer reports, Gary seconds, Dick aye, Gary aye, Jan aye approve the reports.  Request approval to transfer to checking Gary makes a motion, Dick seconds the motion.  Take a vote: Dick aye, Gary aye, Jan aye to approve $8508.92 to checking.

February 2021 Accounts Summary


Ray to setup a  time with Towanna to setup the accounts at SCCU.  Ray has Township computer for Towanna and will coordinate a time to give it to her.  Towanna is setup for MAT

Carrie reports St Louis County 2020 tax apportionment $1,030.78 was deposited in January 2021

Carrie reports St Louis County 2021 Town Road Aid $1,751.46 was deposited in February 2021

Carrie reported the MATIT Commercial Package Premium $4,047 invoice and paperwork was received and requested where to store the paperwork/insurance cards be stored?  Carrie left a copy of the insurance card for the Fire Truck for Rory on 1/12/2021.  Insurance policy and cares will be stored in the new fire proof safe.  Jan asks about the combination for the safe and a backup person.  Carrie will setup the new combination and give to a back up person. 

Carrie reported the Office of the State Auditor has requested additional financial Annual Reporting due 3/31/2021 beyond the CTAS reports generated at year end.  Ray confirms that the CTAS numbers into an Excel format.


Carrie reports St Louis County Variance Application was received and sent to the Board for review/approval and be returned to SLC by 3/11/2021. Supervisor Dick Dillon makes a motion to approve the variance, Gary Mantay seconds the motion.  Vote Dick aye, Gary aye, Jan aye.  No objection to the variance.  Carrie to return February 2021 Month Meeting. PDF to the County as confirmation the variance was accepted.  

2021 St Louis County Board of Appeal and Equalization.  May 19, 2021 3 – 4 pm.  Resolution 01-02.  A resolution must be passed by town board if you wish to reinstate your Local Board of Appeal and Equalization powers. It is due in by 2/1 of the year you are eligible to reinstate (2022), but can submitted earlier if you’d like. Town must also have a trained member by 2/1 of the year of the reinstated LBAE. Jan makes a motion to approve the resolution, Dick second Vote Dick aye, Gary aye, Jan aye.  Carrie to meet Jan at the Hall to sign Resolution 01-02 and return to St. Louis County.

St Louis County Association of Townships annual meeting/election/dues. $496.44 (County and MAT dues).  Meeting in May – will be on the May meeting agenda. 

FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire donation – verbal approval from Board to Rory:  $200.00 from Fire Donation Fund.  Additional funds from the firefighters to the recipient.   Gary reports one call to treat a carpenter who traveled to North Star Hall, Gold Cross was called, but no transport required.  Gary reports all else is going well.  Gary reports they are working with the DNR on burning roughly 10 brush piles on Spring Lake Rd and two fire wise off Pequaywan Lake Rd

MAINTENANCE – The new sign has been installed and Carrie will update the board with the recycling and Annual Meeting information and the website address

RECYCLING  –  Janet reports that grant to WLSSD in the amount of $4,770.  As a reminder WLSSD is looking for all receipts, electric, supplies, snowplowing anything except wages and benefits.  Ray reminds that receipts are required for everything or the amount has to be refunded to the Township. 

ROAD –  Gary reports still white and slippery

WEBPAGE REPORT   41 users of which 38 were new to the website.  Average time on website:  00:01:54.  Resident Linda Britton asks about the minutes on the website and update to remove her from the website. 

COMMUNICATION REPORT  – nothing at this time

UNFINISHED BUSINESS – Carrie has access to Linda Britton’s Google Docs which can be shared with others.

Jan recommends hold the Annual Meeting by telephone and resume in June 2021 when the residents can meet outside.  Step one resolution, step two communication Board posting, direct mail and possibly email.   

March 9th meeting will report the election results, motion to request continuation of meeting on June 8, 2021 at 7 pm when the 2022 Levy will be presented. 

Dick makes a motion, Gary second to approve Resolution 01-21 to conduct the meeting remotely.  Take a vote:  Dick aye, Gary aye, Jan aye

Board of Canvass reports will be emailed to Board within three days of the Election.  Conference call to review approve.

Jan brings up the new toll-free phone number for residents to dial into the March 9th meeting which will be included in the Annual Meeting posting together with the regular number.

Resolution 03-21 – Appointment of the 2021 Absentee Ballot Board -Jan motion, Dick second vote Dick aye, Gary aye, Jan aye

NEW BUSINESS –  No new business

REVIEW OF DUTIES –  Carrie:  Resolutions to have signed and returned, Meeting Minutes to SLC for variance, Annual Meeting postings to create/approve posted, mailed, possibly emailed and added to website, Ray and Carrie have the financial report for the Office of the State Auditor.  Carrie to post 2020 Schedule 1/Receipts/Disbursements on the message board.  Carrie to update the new sign. 

Ray laptop to Towanna, Towanna training

Carrie to post Schedule 1 for 2020 at the Hall

UPCOMING EVENTS:  March 9, 2021 Election and Annual Meeting at 8:15pm.  Board of Canvass will meet 2-3 days after March 9th.

NEXT MEETING      March 15, 2021 6:30 pm

ADJOURNMENT   Jan makes a motion to adjourn at 7:25 pm

Respectively submitted,

Carrie Landman

Town Clerk in training