Date- 5/17/22
CALL TO ORDER- Dick Dillon
ATTENDING – Supervisors Dick Dillon, Jan Keough, Gary Mantay, Clerk MaryHellman, FD Chief Rory Blazevic, Bruce Olsen
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – All attending recited the Pledge
Thank you, Carrie Landman/ Deputy Clerk for standing in for Mary in her absence and completing the June minutes. Dick motioned to accepted the April minutes and Gary seconded. Vote: All ayes.
REVIEW AND APPROVE PAYROLL AND CLAIMS – Gary made a motion to accept the payroll an claims after review. Dick seconded. Vote: All ayes.
TRANSFER – Donna reported via phone call (as both she and Deputy Ray Barnes could not be at the meeting) reported the Transfer amount of $3136.39 was for checks #8380-8392 and EFT/PERA #050122 /$27.00.
Clerk – Voting Machines (Watermark and DS200) were dropped off at the SLC Court House for updating in April by Gary and Jan. Dick, Gary and Mary picked them up when they were finished.
Election clerk training will be held in Duluth on June 9th per Jon Blevins, Elections Information Specialist in SLC.
LBAE Meeting follow up. Meeting was held May 10 at 5 – 6 pm at the North Star Town Hall. Two assessors came from St. Louis County to hold the meeting. One person came to ask questions but did not make an appeal. One couple had talked with the SLC Assessor’s Office and made an appeal over the phone which was brought to our board at this meeting by the attending assessors. The Board voted to accept the appeal request. A letter will be sent by the clerk to this party.
Email from Dewey Johnson, Emergency Operations Manager in SLC regarding reporting any flooding issues with damage to road(s) in the township. Gary, Road Supervisor stated North Star Township did not have any issues to report. Clerk passed this on to Dewey.
EMAIL –Linda Britton sent an email to say she thought North Star was doing a “great job”
with their Enewsletter. Carrie Landman and Jan have been getting this communication out to the community.
EMAIL regarding “Help with Pollinator-friendly Yards”. Native plant and seed mix orders are being taken now until June 3rd at This is available to all interested parties. Curbside pickup is scheduled for June 16th and June 17th. Contact is Lori Seele, 218-393-9581 with other questions. This should go into our e-newsletter next year so residents can have more time to plan for their gardens.
EMAIL regarding Abstract for T-70307 Germain to Maxim 7590 Barrs Lake Road. See Levied and Pending Assessment Report available. Supervisors stated that North Star does not receive these records and that the clerk shall refer this to St. Louis County Planning Department or Assessors.
EMAIL from Ray Barnes regarding new updated information on Weed Inspector from MN State.
A contract for the Weed Inspector is being drawn up by the board and will be reviewed for township use per Jan.
FIRE DEPARTMENT/EMS – Rory Blazevic, Fire Chief
It is getting very dry out there! There were no calls for FD/EMS last month. There will be a training on Wednesday evening at the Hall and another in TH to train for securing electric cars that are in accidents. Rory stated that the equipment numbers and vehicle vin #’s have been updated with the DNR so they can be recorded if those are used on runs. The Pancake Breakfast is coming soon on the 29th of May. Supplies have been arranged for. There is a meeting to set up the hall on Saturday at 5pm. More help is needed to wait tables, cook, and cleanup.
Lastly, Rory brought a statement that needed payment of $1050.00 for EMR. Dick made a motion that this claim is covered next month, Jan seconded. Vote: all ayes. It will go into the June’s monthly payments and expenses.
MAINTENANCE – Dick Dillon reported that a new board for posting Township Business was hung on the recycling shed by Gary and Dick.
RECYCLING – Jan Keough The WLSSD Grant for the North Star Township Recycling Site Operations in 2022 has been approved in the amount of $5125.22, but due to deduction of heater in recycling building and adding available surplus amount, it will be $4885.78.) After signed letter is returned to their office, they will send a check to North Star.
ROADS – Gary Mantay – The high winds have knocked down some trees on the road which were cleared. Rory Blazevic graded the gravel roads once, and plans to do more. Frost is still heaving roads in some areas. Gravel and ditching may be needed in some areas.
WEBPAGE/COMMUNICATIONS REPORT – Jan reminded clerk to post minutes from last month on Website as she was not at meeting due to travel.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS – North Star Township “Contacts Sign” for bulletin board needs updating. Clerk to make new signs with Board Member’s phone numbers and the NS Town Website address so that community members can find the access to leave a written message.
NEW BUSINESS – Bruce Olsen came to give a presentation/proposal to the Board regarding Private Well Water Testing Clinic at North Star Hall. Well received and the Board feels it would be a benefit to our community. The date will probably be around Labor Day. Bruce will get back to us with more information. We can advertise in the E-newsletter, Website, and Signs on boards. For more info on wells, go to: Minnesota Well Index.
REVIEW OF DUTIES – A contract for the Weed Inspector is being drawn up by the board and will be reviewed for township use, per Jan.
UPCOMING EVENTS – Pancake Breakfast at North Star Hall on Sunday, May 29th, 2022, from 8 am to noon. ***Also, books will be given away from our library to thin it out.
NEXT TOWN BOARD MEETING – June 21st, 2022 at North Star Town Hall.
Jan stated she will be out of town for the June meeting.
ADJOURNMENT – Jan Keough made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Gary seconded this. Vote: all ayes.
Respectively submitted,
Mary Hellman, Clerk