April 2022 Board Mtg



CALL TO ORDER- Carrie Landman

ATTENDING – Gary Mantay, Jan Keough, Donne Elsbury, Carrie Landman (acting clerk)

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – All present recited the pledge

MARCH 2022 MINUTES REVIEW AND APPROVAL – Gary makes a motion to approve the minutes, Jan seconds the motion.  Vote: All ayes.

MARCH RE-ORG MINUTES REVIEW AND APPROVAL – Correction made to Donna Elsbury’s name under banking/credit union. Gary makes a motion to approve, Jan seconds the motion.  All aye.

REVIEW AND APPROVE PAYROLL AND CLAIMS – Richard makes a motion to approve the payroll and claims. All ayes.

TRANSFER – Gary makes a motion to approve, Jan seconds.  All ayes.

 Donna will transfer $5566.00 into the checking account to cover the approved payroll and claims for April 2022.

Additional transfers of $551.71 on 3/7/22 and $500.00 on 3/29/22 were made to cover claims submitted after the March board meeting and adjusted claims list will be submitted to the board at the May board meeting.  The electronic fund transfers have been made but the claims will be in the May claims or March claims will be adjusted.


April 2022 Financial Report


  • SLFRF/ARPA Fund Reporting – Donna reports she has information from the Treasury on the use of the ARPA funds.  The Township hasn’t used the funds but Donna has to sign up for the portal for future reporting and confirm the Township’s role. Donna will check with the MAT group about the resolution the  Board approved to see if it should be submitted.  To be completed by 4/30/2022.
  • DUNS number change to UEI – Unique Entity Identifier.  No action required for entities that have a registered DUNS number through sams.gov.  Retain DUNS number for historical reference. Carrie/Mary
  • Donna asked if anyone has spoken to Susan Forbragd about reduced cleaning hours.  Mary to contact her.

CORRESPONDENCE New Variance application request from community member for a garage on W. Briar Lake Dr. This will be addressed at the St. Louis County Board of Adjustment on May 12.  North Star Board please review available copies of application and send comments, if any, with a Resolution to bourbonaisj@stlouiscountymn.gov.   Neither Jan or Gary have any comments.  Jan, as Deputy Chair will email St Louis County to find out if anything formal needs to be submitted when there are no comments.

FIRE DEPARTMENT – Gary reported it has been quiet.  There was training the week of 4/11 with a few attending.  There is training for responding to issues with electric cars in Two Harbors the week of 4/25.  It is sponsored by Cooperative Light & Power.

MAINTENANCE –     The bulletin board on the wall of the recycling shed is deteriorating and needs to be replaced.  Greg Medis who is a resident and a wood worker met with Jan about the cost to build one, which would be $500 – $600. This would require  alot of maintenance such as staining.  He recommended an aluminum option on Amazon which would be less maintenance.  One has glass doors/one acrylic. Greg will do additional research.  Gary makes a motion, pending further investigation, to order one within $500.  Jan seconds the motion.  All ayes.

RECYCLING Jan has nothing new to report.  The grant has not arrived yet.

ROADS – Gary reports the roads are wet.  Saint Louis County will grade when the conditions are appropriate.  Donna reported the 2nd invoice from the County for snowplowing was received and paid.

WEBPAGE/COMMUNICATIONS REPORT –  The April 2022 e-newsletter was sent out the first week in April.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS –  Jan said at the previous meeting a simple contract for the Weed Inspector is needed.  Mary to work on that for June.

NEW BUSINESS – All DS200 and AutoMark machines MUST undergo maintenance this year. The vendor for the equipment will be updating the software and potentially the hardware in the machines.  Maintenance is required for the machine to work.

St Louis County is waiting for confirmation from our vendor on the specific dates for maintenance but anticipate the last week of April or the first week of May. Machine drop-off will be prior to the maintenance date.  Mary checking with Phil Chapman at St Louis County to see if maintenance and training can take place at the Town Hall.

Donna reports a reminder from the US Department of Commerce census bureau that they mailed the 2022 Census of Governments, Survey of Public Employment & Payroll to be completed.  Donna will try to login to the site to see what information is required.  Mary to complete upon return.

REVIEW OF DUTIES – Mary to contact Sue regarding reduced cleaning schedule, Jan to contact St Louis County regarding the resolution and whether or not there is any action required if no comments/objectives.  Mary to create a contract for the Weed Inspector.  Donna to login to the US Department of Commerce to check on the survey.

UPCOMING EVENTS – North Star Fire FD/EMS Pancake Breakfast, Sunday, May 29th at the North Star Town Hall from 8 a.m. to noon.

Board of Appeal and Equalization Meeting will be held on May 10, 2022 at the North Star Town Hall from 5 – 6 pm.

NEXT TOWN BOARD MEETING – May 17th, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.

ADJOURNMENT – Jan makes a motion to adjourn and Gary seconds it.  All ayes.

Minutes respectfully submitted,

Carrie Landman/Mary Hellman